The experienced oral surgeon at our dental clinic performs various interventions: tooth extraction (simple and difficult), milk-tooth extraction, impacted wisdom teeth removal, abscess opening (simple), restoration of a knocked out tooth, dental cervix (tooth neck) covering, root resection, root hemisection, lingual and labial frenectomy, incisions, alveolitis treatment, gum correction, dental cyst surgery, salivary duct stone removal, bone spur removal, extirpation of benign bone and soft tissue tumors, removal of foreign bodies from sinuses, pre-prosthetic preparation of the mouth, pericoronaritis treatment, treatment of uncomplicated mouth, face and jaw injuries (bone fractures without bigger dislocation, soft tissue damage without bigger defects).
The specialists at dental clinic “Odonteja” also perform implantations, bone graft, sinus lift and crown lengthening.
In this way in aesthetic filling or prosthesis cases smile corrections are done. The necessity and extent of the procedures will be determined by doctors after a thorough examination.
A big advantage is that while our oral surgeon is working, you can take a nap…