lten +370 615 64 268 I - IV 9:00 - 19:00; V 9:00 - 17:00 Latako g. 1 - 17, Vilnius


Odontologijos klinika Vilniuje senamiestyje- Odontėja.

Dental clinic “Odontėja” in Vilnius – a team of experienced dentist specialists, that can offer you high quality dental treatment for a reasonable price, pleasant service and excellent results – a beautiful smile. The way to a perfect smile is different for every patient and achieving the best result requires experience, knowledge, respecting the patient’s needs and evaluating the general situation. In our daily work we try to listen and understand what the patient wants, show what mistakes the patient makes in his daily oral hygiene and help to form proper skills, find a lasting and high quality solution to achieve our goal – a wonderful smile. We believe that a rightly chosen and carried out treatment and maintenance plan enables a patient to enjoy healthy and beautiful teeth for many years. Our credo – relaxing dentistry.

We treat patients of all ages: children from 2,5 -3 years, teenagers, adults and seniors that can also get compensation from Vilnius Territorial Health Insurance Fund for prostheses. Children up to 14 years can get sealants for free – also compensated by Vilnius Territorial Health Insurance Fund.

Dental clinic “Odontėja” in Vilnius is waiting for you!

Dental clinic „Odontėja“ – a team of experienced dentist specialists that can offer you high quality dental treatment for a reasonable price, pleasant service and excellent results – a beautiful smile.

Smile and the world will smile to You… Your smile is our top priority!

Irma Šorienė
doctor odontologist

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Working hours

Monday09:00 - 19:00
Tuesday09:00 - 19:00
Wednesday09:00 - 19:00
Thursday09:00 - 19:00
Friday09:00 - 17:00

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